
Osman Khalid Butt shares emotional moment with fans reminiscent of Obi-Wan and Frodo

Actor Osman Khalid Butt recently shared a touching story about his cat, Frodo, that left his fans and followers emotional. According to Osman, he had been shooting in Karachi and had to leave Frodo in Islamabad where he lives. When he returned for short breaks, he noticed that Frodo was distant and wouldn’t recognize his voice.

While shooting for the comedy series Kala Doriya, Osman returned home and tried playing with Frodo. However, he always received a “cross expression,” and Frodo wouldn’t stay in his lap for more than ten seconds. Osman expressed how much he missed Frodo’s playful visits at night.

However, one night, while lying in bed, Frodo jumped up and started cuddling with Osman completely unprompted. This went on for fifteen minutes, and Osman’s serotonin levels were through the roof. He found it hard to explain how those fifteen minutes made him elated enough.

Osman shared a picture with Frodo, and his heartfelt story quickly gained attention on the internet, leaving fans and followers emotional. Many responded to his story, expressing their own love for their pets and the joy they bring into their lives.

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