
My father had the privilege of being the first reciter on Radio Pakistan, Saud

KARACHI: Renowned artist of the Pakistan showbiz industry Saud Qasmi has said that his father Maulana Zahir Qasmi was the first to have the privilege of reciting on Radio Pakistan.

During a conversation on a private TV program, the actor said that my father was the first Pakistani reciter who first recited Surah Fatiha on the radio and after that it was announced that ‘This is Radio Pakistan Lahore’.

He said that my uncle Qari Shakir Qasmi was a famous reciter and whenever reciters from Egypt came to Pakistan, he used to organize recitation gatherings in our house.
Saud Qasmi further said that Qari Shakir Qasmi used to do a program on PTV called Iqra and he was the first Pakistani man to go and recite at the United Nations.

It should be noted that Saud Qasmi belongs to a strong religious family and recently his uncle Qari Shakir Qasmi passed away, Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi is also his uncle.

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