Star Aina Asif Speaks Up: “Mayi Ri” Isn’t Romanticizing Child Marriage

You know Aina Asif, right? That dazzling TV actress with that unmistakable charm who, as fate would have it, got bitten by the acting bug pretty early on. The young starlet has certainly made waves and turned heads with hit TV shows under her belt like “Pehli Si Muhabbat” and the catchy “Hum Tum.” And oh, let’s not forget her ace performances in dramas like “Pinjra” and the oh-so-popular “Baby Baji.” No wonder her fanbase on social media is exploding like fireworks on New Year’s Eve!
Now, there’s a lot of buzz around her latest venture, the soap opera “Mayi Ri”. It’s got a controversial topic at its heart – child marriage. Dive into the show, and you’ll see Aina slipping into the shoes of Annie, a school kid, married off to her peer, Fakhir. But here’s the twist in the tale: some folks are getting their knickers in a twist, claiming the show’s painting a rosy picture of child marriages.
Taking this bull by the horns, Aina recently decided to spill the beans on the matter. Putting it straight, she said, “Hey, folks, we’re not throwing a party for child marriages here! We’re trying to show what’s happening under our very noses. There’s more to the story – the ups, the downs, the challenges this young pair will face. It ain’t just about marriage. It’s a bigger picture!” As for those edits flying around about Annie and Fakhir’s bond, Aina quipped, “They ain’t Romeo and Juliet! They’re cousins. If people are seeing sparks and fireworks, well, to each their own.”
And for the cherry on top? Aina adds with a wink, “The drama’s all about shining a light, raising those eyebrows, and getting folks talking. Their bond? It’s all in the family!”
So, next time you’re flipping channels and “Mayi Ri” pops up, remember: there’s more than meets the eye!