
Mahnoor Baloch criticizes artists’ lack of professionalism

Renowned Pakistani actor Mahnoor Baloch criticizes decline of ethical values in the industry

Pakistani actor Mahnoor Baloch expressed her severe disappointment with the unprofessional behavior exhibited by the new generation of actors in the industry. She highlighted the growing trend of artists being consistently late, which has become a norm rather than an exception.

During the interview with a private TV channel, Mahnoor Baloch discussed the significant difference she has witnessed over the span of three decades in the industry. She emphasized that people no longer value time as they once did, resulting in artists having to wait for extended periods on set for their co-actors.

Mahnoor Baloch lamented the decline of ethical values within the industry, attributing it to the lack of professionalism prevalent among the actors. She personally stressed the importance of punctuality and admitted that even a five-minute delay on her part would cause her significant stress. However, it has now become commonplace for actors to arrive on set and wait, sometimes enduring hour-long delays.

The veteran actor asserted that the issue of unethical behavior is not limited to women alone; men also contribute to disturbances and act as a source of frustration for their co-actors. Mahnoor Baloch further explained that these unwarranted delays make it difficult for co-stars to remain motivated, leading to a noticeable decline in energy levels on set.

Mahnoor Baloch’s candid remarks shed light on the need for the industry to address these unprofessional practices and restore the values of punctuality and professionalism among its actors.

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