
Reem Shaikh asserts, “Everyone has the right to grieve in private.”

After images and videos of Tunisha Sharma’s mother at the funeral of the deceased actor were extensively disseminated online, her friend, actress Reem Sameer Shaikh, posted a message to the media on Instagram. On Tuesday, the 20-year-of Tunisha Sharma’s mother at the funeral of the deceased actor were extensively disseminated online, her friend, actress Reem Sameer Shaikh, posted a message to the media on Instagram. On Tuesday, the 20-year-old’s final rites were carried out. During the ceremony, her mother fainted and needed assistance leaving the room. Reem was outraged by the sharing of the photographs and films, so she requested that Tunisha’s family be left alone.

She posted on Instagram Stories, “Today, as we lost a grin and a person so full of life, we also lost a smile. It was difficult to let her leave. “As actors, our lives are an open book, and while we appreciate that the media has always been a part of our highs and lows, as human beings, we also need a modicum of privacy while grieving an excruciating loss.”

“Tunisha’s mother was grateful to the media for spreading her message, but it was upsetting to watch the same media record her at her worst, in a coma after losing her only child. It made my anger boil to realise that throughout the ceremonies we were also required to quote and express our feelings. “There are no words to convey how I feel.”

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